Sunday, January 6, 2008

We Love Elizabeth!

We have enjoyed the Spectrum Connections DVDs for several months now. In fact, Elizabeth and Balloo have become family friends. I highly recommend this is geared towards ASD kiddos but any toddler/preschooler would benefit from watching it. It is pure music therapy and the titles include: Movement, Emotions, Let's Talk, Let's Go, and Daily Routines. Here's the link:


Anonymous said...

Matthew is a real cutie pie! My son just turned 4 and was diagnosed with autism at 15 months old. I saw your post on another blog about potty training and just wanted to let you know about our experience. We started a year ago with him (he is in ABA all day and they have been actively working with him) and I would only say he is fully daytime potty trained in the past 2-3 weeks. My point with that is just that it might take some time...but every step is one step closer! We had some really rough times with it but it is so much easier now and I am just starting to be able to stay relaxed when I hear him run in the bathroom to use the potty. :) Good luck with Matthew!

~Nicole in California

GFCF Mommy said...

I noticed they are showing Elizabeth's videos on the "Sprout" channel (the 24 hour PBS kids' cable channel) and I think it is terrific that she is getting such great exposure, and to the age group where ASD becomes apparent. Her songs are so great for speech development and social skills.