Tuesday, January 29, 2008

What You Can Do Right Now...

I just finished reading What You Can Do Right Now to Help Your Child with Autism by Jonathan Levy. I agreed with most of what he advised in the book, and while at times it seemed like a big advertisement for the Son-Rise Program, the true stories were inspirational. If I had unlimited funds I would take Matthew to the Autism Treatment Center of America in MA.

Here are the 10 techniques Mr. Levy suggests parents do right now to work with the child and draw them back into our interactive world:

"Don't React: How you respond to your child's behaviors can make all the difference. Learn why most people are ineffective in discouraging their child's problem behaviors and how you can do it differently.

Make Eye Contact a Priority: Understand why eye contact is vital to your child's development and easy steps you can take to help your child to look more.

Join with the Stims: A different and powerful approach to your child's self stimulating and repetitious behaviors.

Respond Differently to Crying: Most of us give children great reasons to cry and act unhappy. Learn to teach your child a more effective way to communicate with you and the rest of the world.

Give Your Child as much Control as Possible: Most children with autism are told "No" much of the time by their parents, teachers, and family members. Make interacting with people more attractive to your child by allowing him to do more of what he wants and moving against him less.

Focus on Your Attitude: A hidden factor in your child's development is how you feel as you work with him. Learn why this is the case and how to feel better, more of the time.

Work One-On-One in a Non-Distracting Room: Why school isn't the best place for your child to develop and grow. Understand the three main factors in a successful educational environment.

Be Dynamic with Your Child: Enthusiasm matters to your child's growth. Learn the three tools you can use to demonstrate energy, excitement, and enthusiasm.

Get More Language: There are three categories of language ability, which does your child fit into? Master techniques that will enable your child to improve her speech, whatever her current level.

Make Sure Food Isn't Part of the Problem: An explanation of dairy and wheat intolerances, and why sugar isn't helping your child. Also, how to introduce new foods so he actually eats them." (source: Amazon.com)

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