I love BOTH "Autism: The Musical" and "Beautiful Son"!!!
HBO has been showing the Musical often and I always stop to watch a few minutes of it (again) b/c I am fascinated with Lexi and adore Wyatt. In case you haven't heard, it is "the story of five autistic children, their families, and the dynamic woman who leads them to defy expectations by writing, rehearsing, and performing their own musical."
I heard about Beautiful Son ("a documentary about one family's struggle to heal their son from autism") a few months ago and had been eagerly waiting for PBS to air it. They showed it last night at 11pm (I was tired but stayed up) and it was excellent and the cinematography is breathtaking. I was quite happy to see our DAN doctor in it...she is also their DAN and yes, they actually travelled from Hawaii to Virgina to see her!
If you haven't seen these films, please look for them...both are available on DVD. Even if you don't have a loved one with autism, the documentaries are very well done, informative, and will touch your heart.